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Calgary Counselling & Psychology Centre Blog

Nikki Buffie
4 min read
Why Rest Feels So Hard—and How to Start Giving Yourself Permission to Slow Down
The experience of being human can often feel overwhelming, and yet, we're expected to keep up. I hope this reminds you it's ok to rest.

Braelyn Bishop
3 min read
Navigating Daily Stressors: A Guide to Completing the Stress Cycle
We all encounter stressors in our daily lives. These are the events that present a real or perceived threat and activate a stress response.

Kayla Hughes
3 min read
Recognizing the Signs: A Guide to PTSD Symptoms
Post-traumatic stress disorder can impact anyone who has experienced, witnessed, or been exposed to the details of a traumatic event.

Kyla Margulies
3 min read
The Basics of Hakomi Therapy: A Gentle Path to Self-Discovery and Healing
Hakomi Therapy is a mindfulness-based somatic, or body-centered, therapeutic approach that blends principles from psychology, bodywork, and
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