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I’ve never consulted a counsellor. I’m used to handling things on my own. How do I know if this is for me?It takes a lot of courage to weather life’s storms alone. It takes even more courage to reach out for help. We all need support now and then, especially when things are difficult. In our work together, we’ll work at your pace and equip you with tried and tested tools and strategies to help you face life’s challenges, now and in the future. Please note that our psychologists offer a FREE 15-minute telephone or online consult to determine if counselling is for you.
What can I expect my first session with my new counsellor to be like?The very first thing that happens in your initial session is reviewing the informed consent policy with your counsellor. This may take 5-10 minutes, which can feel tedious when you are anxious to jump into the counselling process. However, knowing your rights and the confidentiality policy is an essential part of informed consent and it ensures your safety in this relationship with your counsellor. Next, there will be a lot of information sharing about the issues that brought you in, how they are showing up in your life, and how you having been managing them so far. You and your counsellor will explore your goals for therapy, what you hope to get out of your work together, and how you might know if you are making progress. Your counsellor may also ask about any relevant history or life experiences. The first session is about getting on the same page with your new counsellor regarding the work you will do and the direction your want to move forward in. This important initial interaction will help establish the foundation for a safe relationship and how well you and your counsellor fit together. Read more in this blog post by Kyla!
What’s the difference between a provisional psychologist, a registered psychologist, and counsellor, and why does it matter?The terms psychologist and counsellor are often used interchangeably, but there are important differences between them: their post graduate training, evaluation, and examiniations regulation by a professional college their fees their jurisdiction (where they can practice) A Registered Provisional Psychologist is a clinician who is provisionally registered with and regulated by the College of Alberta Psychologists (CAP), meaning they are working on the requirements towards full registration. Registered Provisional Psychologists will have completed rigorous psychological education at both the undergraduate and graduate level, completed a supervised practicum, been supported by professional recommendations, and have undergone evaluation of both their academic and clinical skills. Registered Provisional Psychologists are also required to complete 1600 hours of practice under the direct supervision of a qualified supervising psychologist, pass the provincial Ethics & Jurisprudence exam within 6 months of getting their Provisional designation, and pass the licencing exam in three attempts or less. Provisional Psychologists will vary in terms of how many of their requirements they have completed and how much & what types of experience they have. A Registered Psychologist or R. Psych is a clinician who has completed their supervised hours in good standing and passed their ethics and licencing exams. A registered Psychologist is no longer required to practice under supervision. However, all Registered Psychologists are required to submit an annual Continuing Competence Plan to the College of Alberta Psychologists to demonstrate commitment to ethical conduct, continuing education, and meet the Health Professions Act (HPA) Section 50(1) requirement for continuing competence for regulated health professionals. Registered Psychologist will vary in terms of how much & what types of training and experience they have. A CCC (Certified Canadian Counsellor) is a clinician who has been certified by the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) as having met the standards for education (undergraduate and graduate level courses), training (supervised practicum), evaluation (academic and clinical), and recommendations (professional references) deemed sufficient by the CCPA to begin providing counselling services to the public. While CCC’s are not regulated by a professional college, you can trust that they have a rigorous educational background to support their work as counselling professionals. The College of Alberta Psychologists (CAP) is a regulatory college that regulated the practice of both Registered Provisional Psychologists and R. Psychs. The Canadian Counsellors and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) certifies CCCs based on educationa, ethical, and practice standards, but it is not a regulatory college and CCCs are self-regulated. At our agency Registered Psychologists have the highest fees, followed by Registered Provisional Psychologists, and Canadian Certified Counsellors (CCC). These fees are determined in part by the Fee Schedule published by the Psychologists Association of Alberta (PAA), by the clinicians' designation which is assumed to reflect the level of training, evaluation, and examinations that the clinician has successfully completed, and by the current economic climate. Both Registered Provisional Psychologists and R. Psychs are only permitted to practice with clients who are in Alberta at the time of the session. CCCs can practice with clients across Canada.
Do I have to take medication?Not everyone wants to use medication, nor does everyone need it. The medical community has come a long way in acknowledging the efficacy and value of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), such as massage therapy, acupuncture, homeopathic and naturopathic medicine, and so on. While medication can be very effective on its own, research indicates that the best outcomes are achieved when clients use medication in conjunction with talk therapy. We can help you figure out alternative treatments that will work for you if you don’t want or need to use traditional medicine.
How does counselling or therapy work? What do I have to do in sessions?Each person has different issues and goals for counselling and we always tailor our therapeutic approach to your specific needs. This means every counselling relationship will be different. For counselling to be a useful experience, the client must want to be there and want to do the work in order to see changes. Ideally, the client is open to sharing their concerns and experiences, is an active participant, and has put thought into their goals or what they want to get out of the process. We know that it can be hard to open up, to feel vulnerable, but don’t worry – you are in good hands. We’ve got you.
How long will it take?This is a tricky question because everyone’s circumstances are unique to them. It really depends on what brings you to counselling, your desired goals, and the extent to which you are doing the work outside the counselling sessions. This is a question you and your counsellor will continually explore together, but it can be helpful to come up with some benchmarks to indicate that you have made progress or are ready to take a break from therapy. Other than that, we can only share a phrase that we often hear in counselling circles: trust the process.
What else should I know?Great question! The fit between you and your psychologist is the factor most critical to your success. Choose wisely, and if you don’t think there is a good fit, always ask your counsellor for a referral! Most of the therapy takes place outside of the therapy room. You get out what you put in. Your needs are paramount. Your counsellor will guide you based on your desired outcomes and offer their professional opinion, but the two of you need to work collaboratively to achieve your goals. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to call or email us!

Frequently Asked Questions
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